March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

The theme for the 2017 Brain Injury Association of America national campaign is “NOT ALONE.” The goal is to let people know of the research, treatment and support that is available for the more than 2.5 million children and adults who sustain traumatic brain injuries in the United States each year. With the support of the Brain Injury Association of NC (BIAofNC), people with brain injuries are not alone on their journey.

To raise awareness about brain injuries, we're sharing these facts from the CDC and the BIAofNC:

  • TBI contributes to over 50,000 deaths in the US each year.
  • Annually, 280,000 people are hospitalized with a TBI diagnosis in the US.
  • The annual estimated cost of emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths as a result of a TBI in the US exceeds $82 billion.
  • Over 33,500 North Carolinians are injured each year, not including veterans (who are counted through other surveillance data mechanisms).
  • Over 200,000 North Carolinians are living in the community disabled as a result of a TBI.

To learn more about brain injuries, resources, or ways to volunteer or advocate, visit the Brain Injury Association of NC website at


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