Exciting Research for Online Autism Training

A new study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that parents could be taught to improve their children's social communication skills when they learned research-based interventions using online programs.  For many families, it could be quite empowering to teach their children social skills at home using proven techniques. To learn more about the study, visit Disability Scoop at https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2016/05/24/online-autism-training/22353/

I recently attended a workshop conducted by staff from the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute in Chapel Hill, N.C.  They shared this exciting website http://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/social-skills-training which provides social skills training modules based on evidence-based practices.  And that is just the beginning!  If you look around the website, you can find training modules for numerous other behavioral approaches that can be used with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, such as prompting, reinforcement, and the use visual supports.  The best part is the use of the website is free!  Visit http://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/learn-afirm to learn more about the variety of topics they offer.


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