The Power of Possibility

Today marks the beginning of National School Psychology Awareness week!  The theme for this year is the “Power of Possibility.”  In the words of the National Association of School Psychologists ‘The word “possibility” implies hope, growth, resilience and renewal.  Possibility suggests that even some things as small as a seed can grow into something magnificent. The word “power” implies that things can and will happen. When we focus on what is possible, we have hope that students will grow, thrive and bloom.’

Although this year has been stressful, unsettling and different than what we were expecting (which I am sure you have noticed unless you have been asleep for the last 8-9 months) there is still the possibility for our students to grow and bloom.  We can encourage them to create, listen, learn, practice, encourage each other, speak up, explore and dream. So, what is a school psychologist?  I have heard it described as an educator who knows about psychology or a psychologist that knows about education.  Today, we are sharing a previous post who describes the role of a school psychologist.  Although the role of a school psychologist looks a bit different in these pandemic times, we are still here and supporting students, staff and families.

What is a School Psychologist?

“I promise no one grows up dreaming of being a school psychologist.  Well, maybe the children of school psychologists do (we actually have a staff member who can vouch for that) but  I know I certainly didn’t.  Something about a car so full of test kits that you can’t fit your groceries in it doesn’t scream “dream job,” but somehow it is. 
So what is school psychology?  I would describe school psychology as the perfect marriage between psychology and education.  School psychologists are trained in mental health, child development, learning styles, behavior, and intervention planning.  Sure, we do a lot of assessment, report writing, and paperwork but, believe it or not, all of those things can be fun.  Assessing a child is like putting together a puzzle of how a kid learns best, helping them see their strengths, and identifying where they struggle.  With that in mind, school psychologists assess for a number of academic and behavioral difficulties including learning disabilities, emotional problems, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disabilities.
While assessment is certainly a large component of the job, school psychologists are trained in skills beyond assessment. School psychologists are key players in intervention planning.  This allows us to provide quick, early help to children who are struggling.  School psychologists can help identify a child’s specific skill deficits in the classroom and consult with school staff and parents about appropriate interventions to be used within the regular education setting.  We assist teachers in implementing these interventions, monitoring the child’s response to intervention, and adjusting the educational goals accordingly. 
In addition to academic concerns, school psychologists also work closely with teachers, parents, and staff to support the behavioral and emotional needs of students.  We have specialized training in assessing the function of behaviors in order to prevent and ultimately eliminate the behaviors.
School Psychologists also have training in mental health issues.  Like school social workers and school counselors, we assist students by linking school supports and community resources to provide a continuum of mental health care.  Not only do we collaborate with community service providers, school psychologists can also provide counseling services related to interpersonal and family issues that interfere with school performance.  Another growing role and function of the school psychologist, unfortunately, is crisis prevention and management.  School psychologists are integral players in the development of crisis response plans and assessing levels of risk given in threat situations.”
The graphic below highlights the varied roles that school psychologists can play within the school environment.

Even in these different and difficult times, we are ready to help.  It’s what we do.


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