Helping Those With Autism Deal with Coronavirus

One of our school psychologists shared this resource and we wanted to pass it along to all of our readers.  This is a challenging time for all of us and we are grateful that our colleagues at the University of North Carolina Child Development Institute Autism Team worked so quickly to develop this packet of resources for those with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  As they note in their introduction:

"Individuals with autism may need additional support to process the news and adapt to the many changes. This population may face additional challenges related to comprehension, communication, difficulty understanding abstract language, an insistence on sameness, and a greater likelihood of anxiety and depression—all of which may be exasperated during this stressful period."

To help address those needs, the UNC Autism Team provided a toolkit of materials aligned with these 7 support strategies:

This fantastic resource from the UNC Autism Team contains social stories and visual supports on Coronavirus, greeting others, hand-washing and social distancing, as well as communication tools, expressive activity ideas, supportive apps, and other tips and resources. 

Please share this resource with anyone who has a family member or loved one on the Autism Spectrum and may be facing unique challenges in response to the current pandemic.


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