Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support?
You may hear your child’s school refer to developing “MTSS” or a Multi-Tiered System of Support. By definition, MTSS is a tiered framework, which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. North Carolina employs a systems approach, using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all students.

So, what does this REALLY mean?
It just means that ALL students will be provided the instruction they need to make progress towards standards. All students will receive core instruction with instructional and behavioral practices based on the needs of the district and school populations. The school MTSS team will check to make sure the practices are being used effectively. When groups of students or individual students are not making progress, then the school team will review the instruction, the curriculum, and the environment to consider what changes are necessary to meet the needs of the students. Some students will need changes such as a supplemental layer of support in addition to and connected to core instruction. Again, based on a review of data, a few students will need core, supplemental and intensive layers of support to make growth and progress towards standards. The diagram below is a good visual for this layering of support.

“Every public school student will graduate ready for post-secondary education and work, prepared to be a globally engaged and productive citizen through access to needed resources and rigor.”

This vision set by the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) unites all teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and communities in our work in all public schools. The following goals give further direction and framing the efforts.

State Board of Education GOALS (stateboard.ncpublicschools.gov):

  • Every student in the NC Public School System graduates from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship
  • Every student has a personalized education
  • Every student, every day has excellent educators
  • Every school district has up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to serve its students, parents, and educators
  • Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible
  • Ensure equity of educational opportunity for all students

Achieving these goals takes a collaborative effort, dedicated experts, and an efficient and sustainable system of support. The work of Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is designed to build this sustainable system of support. And parent involvement and communication is an integral part of that.

NC MTSS Definition:
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for all.

NC MTSS Vision:
Every NC Pre K-12 public education system implements and sustains all components of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to ensure college and career readiness for all students.

NC MTSS Mission:
NCDPI will prepare and support LEAs to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support for total school improvement by providing professional development, coaching and technical assistance, research and evaluation, and communication and visibility that results in college, career and community readiness for all students. NCDPI believes that MTSS is the most effective and efficient approach to improving school outcomes and student performance thereby ensuring equitable access to a sound basic education.


  • All staff and students are part of a multi-tiered system of support.
  • MTSS utilizes a systematic problem-solving model to analyze multiple pieces of information to determine how all students are responding to classroom instruction.
  • School teams look at instructional practices, curriculum and environment to ensure students get the help they need when they need it.
  • MTSS is a layering of academic and behavior supports. Additional support is added as needed.
  • All students have access to all layers of instructional support. Instruction increases in intensity as layers are added.

All information was compiled from resources available in the NC MTSS Live Binder.


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