Developmental Milestone Tracker App

How many of you parents out there have been asked by pediatricians or school personnel about when your child met various developmental milestones?  Those can be tough to remember as your child gets older - especially if you have more than one.  Well, thanks to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), now there's an app for that!

The CDC's Milestone Tracker app was developed not only to help parents easily access that information when their children are older, but also to encourage early intervention if parents notice that the child is not meeting typical milestones.  The free app was developed by the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early” program and contributors from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.  It is available for both iOS and Android devices.  Here are some of the app's features from the CDC's website:

"Add a Child – enter personalized information about your child or multiple children

Milestone Tracker – track your child’s developmental progress by looking for important milestones using an interactive, illustrated checklist

Milestone Photos and Videos – know what each milestone looks like so that you can better identify them in your own child

Tips and Activities – support your child’s development at every age

When to Act Early – know when it’s time to “act early” and talk with your child’s doctor about developmental concerns

Appointments – keep track of your child’s doctors’ appointments and get reminders about recommended developmental screenings

Milestone Summary – get a summary of your child’s milestones to view, and share with or email to your child’s doctor and other important care providers"


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