Resource for Families With a New Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

I was recently reading a report from ABC of NC, a community partner that has been referenced in our blog posts in the past.  Included in the "Recommendations" section of that report is a reference to a resource from the Autism Speaks website, entitled The 100-Day Kit for Newly Diagnosed Families of School-Age Children.  If your child is diagnosed before the age of 4, Autism Speaks has a toolkit for that, as well.

Family members can download this free resource from the link above.  Autism Speaks created it with the goal to "make the best possible use of the 100 days following their child's diagnosis of autism."  Families whose children have been diagnosed in the last 6 months are also eligible to request a complimentary hard copy of the 100 Day Kit by calling 888-AUTISM2 (888-288-4762) to speak with an Autism Response Team Coordinator.

The kit includes helpful information for navigating what may be unfamiliar territory for the family.  There is information on what an Autism Spectrum Disorder is, how it is diagnosed, how to investigate insurance and treatment possibilities, where to get support and tips for involving the entire family in meeting the child's needs.


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