End of Year Stress...for students AND teachers

We haven't posted in a while.  Why???  School Psychologists experience stress too, especially this time of year! It seems like everyone, staff and students alike, are running around trying to get everything done before the end of school. There is the anxiety over those end of year tests.  Some students are also concerned about being promoted to the next grade.  Teachers often experience similar worries as they try to make tough decisions about students.  Most high school students feel the pressure of projects or exams while some worry about whether they will even graduate.

Outside of school, the stress caused by things going on at home can generate even more anxiety for some children. As summer approaches, they might worry about where their next meal will come from or whether they will be safe at home.  For these children, schools provide the comfort, safety, and predictability they don't have during the summer months.

This article from Edutopia provides additional reasons why students and teachers experience end of the year stress. It also outlines five strategies for closure and transition as we enter the final stretch. These unique ideas are designed to lessen the stress of students but will likely have similar benefits for teachers.


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