Teacher Stress and What We Can Do About It

In every job, it is normal for workers to get stressed from time to time.  I'm sure some jobs create more stress than others.  For example, the stakes are quite high for an ED doctor where life and death can be a part of every shift.  But have you ever given thought to the stress teachers face?  Although lots of people outside of education haven't, what I continue to be amazed by is how so many teachers and administrators don't recognize the stress in themselves or in their co-workers.  This article from The Huffington Post highlights this problem including causal factors, statistics, and ways to reduce the stress.  We've blogged about this important topic before, Suggestions for Self-Care Throughout the year, teachers should remember to support each other and find appropriate outlets for reducing stress.  It is also critical for administrators to provide a safe environment where teachers feel comfortable discussing their well-being to maintain a healthy workplace.


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