Does Your Middle Schooler Have CLS?

If you are a parent in the WS/FCS, you probably have gotten recent reminders to check your child's grades in PowerSchool.  If you followed that suggestion, you may have felt pride (grades are good), surprise (wait, she had A's and B's but now she has C's and D's), frustration (he still got a D in spite of all the tutoring sessions), or even anger (she is failing everything).  Some parents may have discovered that their middle schooler has not been doing homework, even though he's been telling you all quarter that the teachers never assign any.  At the middle school I serve, this is one of the most common problems I see.  Students who are capable of doing well are making poor grades because they simply don't do their homework.

In this this article published by the Moultrie News, middle school English teacher Jody Stallings shares his three-step plan with parents for curing Chronic Laziness Syndrome (CLS).  While the steps seems fairly easy, the hard part is following them completely.  To learn more about this plan, visit Chronic Laziness Syndrome


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