Making Miracles- Patsy Barrett- 30 years as a School Psychologist

Patsy Barrett continues to offer insight and wisdom to her schools and colleagues. With 30 years of experience as a School Psychologist she is a valuable resource to us all. She witnesses people making small steps to help shape and change students lives everyday. Over the years, she observed that  "just a simple hug or a smile makes the biggest impact on a students day.  That little thing that makes a student know that you care, that you see them as a person. They will do anything to please you once you touch their hearts."

Patsy spends time reaching out to students and touching their hearts, by being a mentor. "I have
I     mentored numerous students over the years and enjoy making that connection. I often use this opportunity to reach students on a more personal level and talk to them as a mother would to her child….giving that unconditional love.Student s will test you to see if you are going to leave if they misbehave or fail but when you don’t  you can sometime  witness miracles." She finds her work very rewarding and may teach us all to slow down when we are working with students as we know that those small steps or gestures can make a great impact or even as Patsy put it a "miracle" to unfold. 


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