It's OK 2 Ask

In addition to information from the national suicide awareness and prevention organizations we've been sharing with you this month, we also wanted to tell you about a website created by the North Carolina Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force, led by the Division of Public Health's Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.  This Task Force developed Saving Tomorrows Today: North Carolina's Plan to Prevent Youth Suicide in October of 2004, to outline comprehensive strategies for preventing suicides of youth between 10 and 24 years of age.

Part of this plan is the It's OK 2 Ask.... about Suicide website, which is designed to prevent suicide among young people by providing them with information and resources, including videos, poems, and other materials created by their peers. The website provides information on how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide and guidance on how to find help for depression and suicidal thoughts. It also encourages young people to create stories, videos, poems, and artwork about suicide and suicide prevention to share with others.


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