Screenagers Documentary

We posted about the Screenagers Documentary last month.  Sherwood Forest Elementary School will showing it Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. in the gym if you would like the opportunity to see it.  Screenagers is a new documentary developed by Dr. Delaney Ruston, the mother of teenagers who has lived with the struggle over screen time herself.  "Screenagers" explores the science of how the use of devices can affect young brains.  In the documentary, one researcher cites information about how dopamine, a pleasure-producing brain chemical, may be released whenever people find or seek out new information on their devices.  Although it is wonderful how we can "google" unknown information whenever needed, what is happening to the brains of teenagers who spend an average of 6.5 hours on devices each day?  To learn more about the documentary, visit or where you can watch the trailer.


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