Advice for the Parents of Middle Schoolers

Now that my first-born child is finishing up middle school, I can hardly remember how difficult his toddler years were.  Although he was a pretty easy-going little guy, those years were still challenging as a new mom.  Since he was my first born (I still call him my "trial and error baby"), I tried to learn as much as I could ahead of each stage.  When we got to middle school, I realized there were many challenges, really big ones, I had not anticipated.  According to this article from the Arizona State University Department of Psychology, many mothers feel the same way.  The article reviews a recent study suggesting that the middle school years are actually the most difficult stage for mothers. To learn more about that study, visit

Fortunately, many parents have forged the way for us and have wonderful advice to share.  I particularly like this article recently published by the Washington Post.  The author, a licensed clinical and school counselor, has a top 10 list of social-emotional skills for middle schoolers and what parents can do to foster those skills.  To learn more about that list, visit


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