The 2X10 Strategy for Behavior Problems

I will admit that I love Pinterest!  I pin ideas for work, home, crafting, cooking, etc.  You name it and if I like it, it will end up on my wall.  Over the past few weeks, I keep seeing pins about this "miraculous" strategy for dealing with difficult behavior problems in class.  This intervention, The 2X10 Strategy, is getting rave reviews from teachers all over Pinterest and beyond.  The concept is pretty simple.  The teacher spends two minutes talking with a difficult student for ten days in a row.  That's it!  Why does this strategy work? The idea is that as the student and teacher develop a relationship, the student begins to feel that someone truly cares about them while the teacher starts to see the positive attributes in the child.  Have you tried this intervention?  We would love to know what you think?  To learn more about this strategy and why it works, visit:


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